How to Remove Blood Spots from Carpet and Furniture

Blood spots on your carpet or on your furniture… what a terrible thing. Hopefully when it happens, it’s not from a very serious accident. But when it does happen, you must remove it quickly. Blood spots can be removed fairly easily if you get to it quick enough. Of...

Dust Mites Invading Your Home!

No matter who you are, no matter where you live, you never sleep alone. But don’t panic…those sleeping with you are somewhat peaceful. And not really that noticeable, until the “Welcome” sign goes up and they start inviting a bunch of guests over. Once the invitation...

It’s Spigot Time!

Each year, just about November, homeowners living in colder climates must think about a simple winterizing job. And if you don’t live in colder climates, read on… because this will help you feel better about where you choose to hang your hat! When winter comes along,...

Clean It — Don’t Cover It

Odors. They are everywhere. When pleasant, we might call them “scents.” When not-so-pleasant, we might call them malodors. Odors are caused by a variety of sources. Some odors are pleasant, welcoming, such as from a fresh-cut batch of flowers or a nice, home-cooked...

Cleaning Wool Carpet and Rug: Good or Bad News?

  DID YOU KNOW that choosing a wool carpet or rug for your home is both good news… and sometimes bad? The good news is choosing wool, which is a high quality fiber but not really that popular because of the higher price, means your carpet or rug will last longer,...

Fabric Protection that Really Works

DID YOU KNOW that one of the best ‘feel good’ experiences you can enjoy is having freshly-cleaned carpet or upholstery? And one of the most frustrating experiences you won’t enjoy is when, within just a few days, something like red wine, coffee or tea is spilled on...